Sunday, June 14, 2015

Almost 70, Gary Koden is wise enough to know there are more important reasons to get in shape than accolades, increased confidence and a better view when he looks in the mirror.

For Koden, a Tacoma resident, the highlight of his journey to lose more than 100 pounds was a hug from his 9-year-old grandson.
Hayden Crowe, 9, wrapped his arms around him and noticed that, for the first time, his arms went all the way around. “Grandpa,” Hayden said excitedly, “you’re skinny.”
“It was the best compliment I’ve ever had,” Koden said.
It was a moment that resonated with Koden on several levels. First, he knew his dramatic weight loss means he’ll have much more time to spend with Hayden.
“On my last visit, my doctor told me I’ve added years to my life,” Koden said.
Second, when he looked down at Hayden it struck him that his grandson’s weight matches the amount he’s lost: 102 pounds.

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